Ending factory farming. Ending animal cruelty.
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News Section Icon Published 3/18/2020

From our Executive Director:

I type this as I sit at my kitchen table, my two kids underfoot, doing my best to keep charging forward while navigating our new reality—as are all members of the Compassion USA team. Like you, we are driven by our continued commitment to people, non-human animals, and the planet that so delicately and graciously houses us all.

I recognize that this is a time of high anxiety. There are a lot of unknowns, many of us are confronting massive changes and challenges in our daily lives, and concerns extend far beyond ourselves as people in all corners of the globe are impacted.

Please know that the farmed animals you have deep concern for will not be forgotten during this uncertain moment in history. Our determination to end factory farming remains as strong as ever.

Perhaps more than any other time, I’m overwhelmed by the feeling that we are all facing this together, and I find it helpful to lean on and be grateful for the communities that lift us up.

Your support in the Compassion community is something I’m especially grateful for. This community is dedicated, altruistic, and kind. We are proud to stand with you in the fight for a better world—for animals and for us all.

At a time when so much feels out of our control, our shared mission is grounding. This reflection and articulation of our values is the thread that weaves us together, and it gives us the strength to forge ahead, united.

Animals still need a voice. And because of you, they will always have one.

Compassion and empathy breeds more compassion and empathy and, with you in our corner, we have that in droves. Our deepest thanks for being part of our community. We recognize there is an infinite number of ways you could spend your precious time, and yet, you continue to carve out energy and resources to make this world a better place. Please stay in touch with us and know we are here, as present and committed as ever to reduce the suffering of animals.

With warmest wishes to you, your loved ones, and all communities across the world,


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Rachel Dreskin, US Executive Director


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