Ending factory farming. Ending animal cruelty.
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In turbulent times, your compassion endures

2023 has been a year of immense challenges. But, thanks to your steadfast kindness and compassion, it's been a year of historic wins against factory farming. You demanded change, raised your voices, and kept the momentum going in the fight to end factory farming—and we can't thank you enough for your support. Here's to more progress in 2024!

Want a closer look at what you helped achieve in 2023? Dive into our 2023 impact review and get the details on all the farmed animals you're helping and the unstoppable change you're driving to build a food system that works for the planet and all its inhabitants:

Campaigning for Change

Whether it’s demanding better animal welfare from a top food company, contesting deceptive food labels for consumers, or fighting for a more sustainable future for our children, our campaigns are grounded in sound science and encompass the full scope of the challenges facing our food system—from animal suffering to environmental destruction, social injustice to public health threats.

1. Campaigning for Change

Driving Progress in the Food Industry

We work collaboratively with food companies to foster a transition to a more compassionate, fair, and sustainable food and farming system—providing scientific and technical guidance, market expertise, and collaborative problem-solving as companies set policies and implement change across supply chains that impact billions of animals nationwide.

2. Driving Progress in the Food Industry

Building a Sustainable Food System

We work diligently to secure the change we need to protect the planet—not only to end factory farming, but to replace it with a resilient, regenerative, and more compassionate food and farming system for all. Our sustainability work recognizes the intersectional nature of the challenges we face and is designed to create awareness, generate action, and build support among consumers and companies alike.

3. Building a Sustainable Food System

Powering Public Policy Action

Whether it’s petitioning federal agencies, contacting legislators, or supporting critical ballot initiatives, we rally animal advocates, conscious consumers, planet protectors, and concerned citizens from all walks of life to advance smart policies that end cruel factory farming practices; combat the climate crisis; secure justice for communities, farmers, and workers; protect cherished habitats and wildlife; and build a better food future for American families.

Public Policy
4. Powering Public Policy Action

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