One of the most important documentaries of our time.
- Deadline
It’s finally here! Eating Animals, the harrowing new documentary about the disastrous consequences of factory farming, is out in select theaters across the U.S. today—and viewers and critics alike are already calling it a must-see film.
Based on the best-selling book by Jonathan Safran Foer—and narrated and produced by Natalie Portman—Eating Animals illuminates the catastrophic impact of intensive agriculture on farmed animals, local communities, and our planet by highlighting the stories of several courageous farmers who have taken a stand against the factory farming model.
You may recognize one of these farmers: Craig Watts, a former contract chicken farmer who invited us to his farm back in 2014 to give us an unprecedented look at what was really happening behind closed doors on factory farms. Since Craig allowed us to share his story, we’ve seen big changes for chickens from nearly 90 major food companies—including his former employer, Perdue Farms.
In addition to Craig, Compassion USA Executive Director Leah Garces is also included as one of the many activists, experts, and thought leaders featured in Eating Animals.
Eating Animals considers what it means to reduce the polluting, health-endangering, inhumane practices which have only become more dominant over the last four decades.
- Entertainment Weekly
Eating Animals is now playing in the following cities:

New York, NY
Los Angeles, CA
Washington, D.C.
Atlanta, GA
Baltimore, MD
Boston, MA
San Francisco Bay Area
Austin, TX
Burlington, VT
Charlotte, NC
Chicago, IL
Columbus, OH
Dallas, TX
Denver, CO
Des Moines, IA
Grand Rapids, MI
Knoxville, TN
Memphis, TN
Minneapolis, MN
Philadelphia, PA
Phoenix, AZ
Portland, OR
Raleigh/Durham, NC
Seattle, WA
St. Louis, MO
Check out eatinganimalsmovie.com for tickets, more info about the film, and resources for taking action!